Disclaimer: Not intended for medical purposes. Show all skin lesions/growths and discuss all treatment options with your licensed physician.
What is cancer? Today's definition of cancer is different from Dr. Weinberg's oncogene theory which he himself challenged over a decade ago. Cancer is now defined by cells that do not undergo apoptosis (cell death) which is caused by many different diseases that create abnormal cells [1]. In other words, cancer cells keep reproducing without dying, while normal cells have a programmed cell death. Cancer cells are generated in every person and the immune system on a daily basis seeks out cancer cells and kills them [2] [3]. When the immune system is hindered by an unhealthy lifestyle [4], the immune system has trouble keeping up with eliminating cancer cells and cancer cells begin multiplying.
What causes skin cancer? The Ozone hole has shrunk to a record low, yet skin cancer rates are skyrocketing. Ph D. Casey Adams in his book Healthy Sun: Healing with Sunshine and the Myths about skin cancer [5] explains that skin cancer is not caused by the sun, but rather it is caused from an inability to convert either ultraviolet A (UV-A) or ultraviolet B (UV-B) due to an unhealthy lifestyle which includes an unhealthy diet. Our skin uses ultraviolet A (UV-A) to directly assist the immune system by aiding the repair of DNA damage and ultraviolet B (UV-B) allows for the production of Vitamin D [6].
The easiest studies that can be reproduced by anyone are plant studies which proves these facts. We can take 2 groups of plants of the same species and water and fertilize one group correctly, while poorly watering and fertilizing the other group and put them both under the same sun exposure. Plants that are watered and fertilized correctly remain green and healthy because they produce protective and neutralizing mechanisms and phytochemicals that prevent them from being damaged, but the poorly watered and fertilized plants will turn brown when exposed to the sun which is comparable on a cellular level to a poorly nourished human skin cells [7].
This is confirmed in human studies as well. The National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health also studied 1,607 cancer outpatients and their diets were studied in detail revealing that when people eat a low alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and lycopene diet (all plant-based food nutrients), people have significantly higher risks of melanoma. They also revealed that alcohol consumption is also significantly associated with a higher risk of melanoma, as well as low vitamin D3 levels. [8] The University of California at San Diego in 2007 reviewed research from 107 countries and found that skin cancer was associated with lower levels of UV-B rays, obesity and animal diets. [9] The widely held myth that the sun causes skin cancer and that we should wear sunscreen and sunblock every time we go outside to reduce the risk of skin cancer is not true. If people never receive UV-B exposure, their risk for cancer will increase. Although it is important to note that when people go on vacation and are going to receive dramatic increases in sun exposure, their risk of skin cancer will increase because they did not let their skin develop enough melanin which is the skins natural sun protector for UV-A and UV-B rays. The type of sunscreen or sunblock that people use will also increase their risk of cancer as well. Most sunscreens and sunblock creams contain carcinogens that leak into the blood stream which increases people's risk of cancer. In order to be protected while going on vacations from a dramatic increase in sun exposure, people can buy sun protecting clothing, or find a sunscreen that is supported by the Environmental Working Group [10]
Symptoms of skin cancer:
A new growth on skin, a change in an existing skin growth, a sore that does not heal. A licensed physician should examine all skin growths.
Types of Skin Cancer:
Pictures can be found on medicinenet [11]
Basil cell carcinoma (BCC): Most common form of skin cancer, but can spread deep and cause scaring. It has an extremely low rate of metastasis which means it is not usually life threatening. 5 different common types of BCC exist, and some may even resemble psoriasis or eczema. An open sour that bleeds, oozes or crusts and remains open, a reddish patch or irritated area frequently on chest, shoulders, arms or legs that may itch or it hurts, a shiny bump, a pink growth or a scar like area.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC): Can look like a wart-like growth that crusts and bleeds, persistent scaly red patch with irregular borders that can crust or bleed, an open sore that bleeds and crusts, an elevated growth with a central depression that occasionally bleeds, a persistent, scaly red patch with irregular borders that can bleed or crust, and an open sore that bleeds and crusts and persists for weeks. They appear most common on face or neck and can look like a sore or pimple that does not heal.
Melanoma: Melanoma is a skin cancer that, if left alone, will spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma skin cancer will look asymmetrical where half of the mole or mark will be different in shape than the other, the borders will grow irregularly, it will be multicolored or change colors, and the mole keeps changing in appearance. Melanoma can be any size, but when it grows larger than 6 mm, it should be examined by a medical professional. Early stages of treating melanoma include surgery, but the more advanced stages may be difficult to treat using allopathic medicine because the cancer may have spread to other parts of the body.
Nonmelanoma skin cancer cure
Danger of nonmelanoma skin cancer: If left untreated for a long duration of time, 3 to 5% of nonmelanoma skin cancer can spread to distant organs and become life threatening. The vast majority of nonmelanoma skin cancers are not life threatening.
Traditional treatment: Cryosurgery, Curettage and electrodessication, micrographic surgery (moh's surgery), and laser surgery.
Recurrence rates of surgery for nonmelanoma skin cancer are high (30 to 67 percent) and there are risks of infection, overtly expensive, and not all cancer cells are detectable when examining the skin which is the reason why there is a high recurrence of the cancer coming back in the same spot. Reconstructive surgery may also be required and a large scar on the patients face may be permanent.
Name: Curaderm Bec5
How long has it been studied: over 25 yearsIngredients: Solasodine Glycosides (BEC) (active anti-cancer ingredient), Salicylic Acid, Urea.
Recent studies published in: Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2011, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Inc 2011, International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2012.
Read instructions for usage: If one is to use this product, one must fully read the instructions on how to use the cream and possibly buy the Curaderm Bec 5 book for more information.
Internal usage: currently in clinical trials in humans suffering from terminal internal cancers
Short summary of the clinical trials
Vigorous double blinded placebo trials indicated that there is a 100% cure rate for this product and patient follow up after 5 years indicates no recurrence of the cancer which means it completely killed all cancer cells by process of apoptosis. The cure works deep in all 3 layers of skin; the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue and is sugar bound which makes cancer cells want to feed on Bec 5 without realizing that it is poison to the cancer cells. This product does not harm healthy normal cells.Pre-Clinical phase: Ex Vivo and In vivo studies
Ex Vivo: studies indicate BEC was effective against many cancers and it only kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed.
In vivo: Terminal tumours in mice, rats and large animals (horses) were given the cream. Only 2 doses cured 42% of cancer, and 3 to 4 doses cured 92%. All untreated mice with the cancer died at age 20.
Phase I clinical trials: test for safety
Testing for dosage tolerance, metabolism, excretion, and pharmacodynamics
Result: BEC up to 50% concentration was still found extremely safe.
No changes before, during or after in
white blood cells, red blood cells, Haemoglobin, Haematocrit, mean
corpuscular volume, mean corpusscular haemoglobin concentration, mean
corpuscular haemoglobin, sodium ion, potassium ion, chloride ion,
total Co2,Creatinine, Uric Acid, Urea nitrogen, inorganic phosphate,
calcium, LDH, AST, GGT, ALT, AP, glucose, globulins, Albumin, Total
protein. The half life of solasonine was 5.57 +-
1.27 h, and solamargine was 8.4 +- 2h.
BEC kills cancer cells, but leaves
normal cells alone. Causes cell death by apoptosis. Effective at both
proliferating and resting (non dividing) cancer cells. Pharmacodynamic studies revealed cancer
cells have a specific receptor that recognizes and binds BEC while
normal cells do not.
Phase II clinical trials: 129 human patients
Tests: precancer actinic keratosis, malignant skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma (bcc), squamous cell carcinoma (scc)
Biopsies were taken before and after
treatment with BEC formulations to ensure both clinically and histologically if the skin cancer was killed.
Result: Low doses of BEC in the
presence of keratolytic agents were optimal for treating non melanoma
skin cancers. No safety risks could be identified
Phase III clinical trials 232 human patients
- single and randomized double-blinded placebo controlled studies.
- Done in Australia and multi-centre hospitals in the United Kingdom and approved by the Medical Control Agency.
Results: 78% success rate when applied
2 times daily for 8 weeks. Treatment extended to 12 weeks had a 100%
success rate. Success was defined as zero presence of non melanoma
skin cancer after histological examinations of samples extracted from
lesion sites from punch biopsy. 5 year follow up studies: no
recurrences of the treated lesions.
Phase IV post-marketing studies: 50,000
human patients
Out of 50,000 patients, 2 patients had
adverse effects documented of a ten year period with the Therapeutic
Goods Administration in Australia. These 2 patients had dermatitis at
the site of the Bec 5 application. Cessation of Bec 5 resulted in a
remission of the dermatitis.Does money play a role in mainstream medical guidelines?
It is clear that Curaderm has been proven to work far superior over surgery, and patients no longer have to spend thousands of dollars on medical procedures that leave scars when they can buy a pharmaceutical cream for $100 USD. American medical establishments will not carry the double blinded peer reviewed studies for this product even though the studies have been published in popular and trusted medical journals across the world, and if we ask doctors about this product, doctors are supposed to say that they just do not carry the information for this product. Some overtly prideful doctors will offer their opinion on this product before they look at the double blinded peer reviewed data which is why patients should review the data before discussing with a doctor so that the educated patient can correct the doctor on the studies and discuss the best treatment plan. The question remains, why has the American medical establishment not adapted this product and replaced existing treatment protocols? Does money play a role in the formation of treatment guidelines for patients in the United States?
Before we can answer this question, we have to determine how much money our medical establishments are generating on nonmelanoma cancers. In 2004, the total direct cost of nonmelanoma skin cancer was 1.4 billion dollars [12]. This is not including the indirect costs, and nonmelanoma skin cancer rates more than doubled from 1 million in 2007 [13] to 2 million in 2012 [14]. Today it is a multi-billion dollar industry generating billions of dollars for our medical establishments. If we remove this income and replace the current treatment guidelines with Curaderm Bec 5, structural unemployment will occur with many health care workers losing their jobs. Although patients will have a 100% cure rate, not have to spend nearly as much money as they would have for surgery, and they would not be left with a scar, Curaderm Bec 5 only seems to bring advantages to the patients and not to the medical communities. This is why people who are independently studying treatment plans should take into consideration that there is a possibility that money may influence the guidelines that doctors use in treating diseases. There will always be propaganda against every topic we research and look into, but we must understand that it never hurts to ask other medical professionals for advice, especially for cancer.
Although Curaderm Bec 5 is a mainstream scientifically proven cream, it is not promoted by American allopathic communities, but rather it is currently being promoted by other medical communities. If we isolate ourselves from the entire medical community (which includes American naturopathic doctors, as well as mainstream and alternative European doctors), we become delusional into believing we know everything only because of the amount of knowledge we have on these subjects is extremely limited, and through this ignorance we will never learn about these cures that are supported by science. It never hurts to ask for advice and to research further the path suggested to you by medical professionals. You may not be convinced after reviewing the evidence, but if we never ask nor ever review the science, we will always be living in ignorance.
[1] http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cancer/DS01076
[2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1458507/
[3] http://f1000.com/prime/717960239
[4] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2515569/
[5] http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Sun-Healing-Sunshine-Cancer/dp/0981604587
[6] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23094927
[7] Adams PhD, Case (2012-03-27). Healthy Sun: Healing with Sunshine and the Myths About Skin Cancer (Kindle Locations 3169-3174). Sacred Earth Publishing. Kindle Edition.
[8] Adams PhD, Case (2012-03-27). Healthy Sun: Healing with Sunshine and the Myths About Skin Cancer (Kindle Locations 3134-3139). Sacred Earth Publishing. Kindle Edition.
[9] Adams PhD, Case (2012-03-27). Healthy Sun: Healing with Sunshine and the Myths About Skin Cancer (Kindle Locations 3148-3151). Sacred Earth Publishing. Kindle Edition. "
[10] http://breakingnews.ewg.org/2012sunscreen/infographic/
[11] http://www.medicinenet.com/skin_cancer_pictures_slideshow/article.htm
[12] http://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/skin-cancer-facts
[13] http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/dermatology/nonmelanoma-skin-cancer/
[14] http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/skin