Friday, January 25, 2013

GMO basics

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Genetic modification of organisms (GMOs) involves the insertion of foreign genes into a native plants DNA.  The company that patented and owns over 90% of all GMO seeds worldwide today is Monsanto. Although Monsanto tries to claim that cross pollination (the process of transferring pollen from one plant to another of the same species) and genetic modification are the same and that farmers have been genetically modifying foods since the beginning of time, the definition of genetic modification requires an insertion of foreign genes or a deletion of genes in a DNA strand which cross pollination does neither. This means that GMOs were for the first time in history commercialized in 1996.

The one gene one protein theory that founded GMOs
The theory that founded GMOs was created in the 20th century when scientists believed that one gene can only produce one protein. When a foreign synthetic gene was inserted into a DNA strand, the gene would start producing one specific protein and get the desired trait they wanted out of the plant. Chemical corporations like Monsanto were interested in this technology because they could increase the sales of their chemicals by making plants create a protein that makes them resistant to their pesticides such as Roundup Ready. That way when people spray Roundup Ready over a plant, the GMO plant would not die verses a normal plant would. Although the science behind GMOs sounded safe in the 20th century, the Human Genome Project revealed a major flaw in the theory behind GMOs when they discovered genes produce more than one protein and can even produce thousands. Each GMO was found to have thousands of extra changes that were unplanned and this concerned scientists because the genes used in GMOs are synthetic (made in a laboratory) that are different than the bacteria genes they try to mimic.

What happens when we add introns to bacterial genes?
When scientists first tried putting bacterial synthetic genes in a foreign DNA strand, the production of the protein was low because most bacterial genes do not have introns so their solution was to add introns to these synthetic genes. We learned in the 21st century that introns also signal spliceosomes to cut up the RNA, rearrange it, and reassemble it. This means that the synthetic bacterial genes with added introns are now producing new additional unplanned proteins which can often times create toxic proteins, protein allergens and prions (chaperones of a native plant have never seen these foreign GMO proteins before which are a different shape and size than the native proteins. When chaperones try to fold them, they screw up and create prions.) If people are constantly exposed to these proteins, then the chances of developing serious diseases dramatically increases such as cancer, auto-immune diseases, food allergies, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Mad Cows Disease), and many more.

Insertion of the foreign gene with a 5% disruption of overall gene expression
Scientists attach an Antibiotic Resistant Marker (ARM) to their genes and coat them with gold or tungsen. They then use a 22-caliber gene gun and shotgun fire thousands of these shards into a foreign DNA strand aimed at the noncoding DNA, or "junk DNA." 20th century theories stated that junk DNA was left over debris from the evolutionary process that had no purpose. Since 97% of human DNA is considered Junk DNA, 20th century scientists believed that only 3% of DNA strands of humans had a purpose so they believed that creating unplanned mutations in the Junk DNA would cause no consequences. We eventually learned that Junk DNA does have important purposes (such as transcription and translation regulation) that are vital for the function of the DNA strand.

After the genes are fired, only a small percentage of these blasted genes survive. Antibiotics are then given to the DNA strand and those genes that survive this process are now part of the plants DNA. This causes a 5 percent disruption of overall gene expression and DNA chip technology shows that the DNA strands after genetic modification is unstable. A single foreign gene inserted also changes one out of every 20 genes that produces proteins to either increase or decrease their output. [1] Human studies have also proven that both the ARM and the GMO gene survive the digestive tract in humans which makes Horizontal Gene Transfer possible between GMOs and humans, as well as all other life forms [2].  If bacteria then are exposed to the ARM in this manner, they become completely antibiotic resistant. If a deadly bacteria is affected by the ARM and become immune to all antibiotics, and it infect humans and hospitalizes them, no existing antibiotic would be effective against their bacterial infections.  This is why the British Medical Association declared that the ARM is one of the biggest medical threats of the twenty first century and recommended banning the ARM. [3] Outbreaks of antibiotic resistant bacterias are on the rise across the United States and many of these super bugs are killing. These bacterias are linked directly to modern factory farming practices and a possible suspect of this outbreak is the ARM  [4], as well as the over usage of antibiotics on farms. Antibiotics are constantly being fed to animals because the animals would otherwise die due to the poor living standards they have, and because animals are fed GMOs which weaken their immune systems. 80% of all antibiotics sold in the United States are for animal feed [5] which is the other reason why new deadly super bugs have been spreading across the United States including the family Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) which has a 40% death rate and has already reached epidemic proportions in several major U.S. population centers [6].   

Activating the synthetic genes
The synthetic genes inserted into the foreign gene strand needs to be forced on and set to produce as many proteins as possible by a promoter. A common promoter is the modified Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV). Scientists genetically modified the CaMV and removed its protein coating which made the virus unstable. Since the original CaMV is found in plants and humans have been eating this virus throughout our history without having the CaMV affect any human cells, it was assumed that eating this newly created modified CaMV would not affect human cells either. Further research revealed that the modified CaMV is not only different than the original virus, it is also active in human DNA and cells, and it can also activate bad genes in DNA strands and can turns them on in overdrive which leads to cancer due to the over expression of genes. This is why the UK Government's Joint Food Safety and Standard Group has written to the FDA about the dangers of inhaling GMO pollen warning that the CaMV can be transferred to human cells through GMO pollen which has been proven highly active in GMO pollen [7], can increase the risk of serious diseases such as cancer, and [8]  is a pararetrovirus which is similar to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which depresses the immune system of the host it infects [9] which can infect humans [10]. To make matters worse, the CaMV can add foreign genes to foreign DNA strands all by itself which was confirmed in 2003 when the Norwegian Institute for Gene Ecology announced that 39 people living next to a GMO corn field in the Philippines developed respiratory, intestinal and skin diseases after breathing in GMO pollen. The GMO was found to have been gene stacked by the CaMV. Every time a new gene is introduced into a plant with the CaMV, thousands of changes occur in the plant which many changes can interact with each other and create dangerous toxins.

Further research on the CaMV revealed an additional hidden danger. An independent study done by the staff of the European Food Safety Authority, Nancy Podevin and Patrick du Jardin discovered a new virus gene named "Gene VI" which is similar to, and overlaps the CaMV. It is present in 54 out of 86 GM plants approved including the corn and soy GMOs in the United States. Gene VI can make plants, animals and humans vulnerable to pathogens such as viruses, interfere with messenger RNA and create novel proteins with unknown effects on plants, can switch on multiple genes downstream along the genome, as well as silences important genes that are normally on which could turn off the immune system that it infects. Depending on where Gene VI is inserted (it is randomly inserted) into the DNA, it could produce protein allergens, toxins, carcinogens, and even anti-nutrients [11].

GMOs increased pesticide usage by 404 million pounds:
There are two main GMOs worldwide. The first is a GMO that is Roundup Ready resistant and the second GMO produces a pesticide called Bt. The Roundup Ready GMOs have increased pesticide usage by 404 million pounds [12] and now high levels of Roundup Ready can be found in our air and water [13]. Roundup Ready has also been proven to be highly carcinogenic by preventing apoptosis in cells [14] which means anyone that drinks or breathes Roundup Ready and eats Roundup Ready GMOs is also increasing their chances of preventing apoptosis in their cells causing cancer

The GMO Bt pesticide works by breaking open the stomachs of insects which kills them. When humans eat this GMO, the production of the Bt pesticide may not stop once the GMO passes through the stomach and the Bt pesticide may continue to be produced in the gut. This explains why a majority of both Americans and Canadians have detectable levels of this pesticide throughout their body. 80% of Canadian babies have detectable levels of this pesticide in their blood as well as their mothers [15] and 93% of blood samples taken from pregnant women tested positive for this pesticide in their bloodstream. [16]

Monocultures and subsidies
All GMOs are monocultures which means that there can only be 1 specie of GMOs made at a time. Although there are different species of GMOs such as corn, soy and cotton, their only line of defense are the pesticides Bt and Roundup Ready. Farmers have always focused on making polycultures (cross pollination creates polycultures, meaning it creates multiple different species) which means they planted different species of crops on their land so that plant diseases nor insects can develop resistance to their crops and destroy them all. Now diseases, beetles, super weeds and insects only need to develop resistance to 2 different pesticides in order to be resistant to the majority of the American food supply. The corn rootworm alone became resistant to 90% of all corn (which is GMO) in the United States and destroys $1 billion dollars worth of corn each year [17] which infected 30 million acres of corn out of 80. The damages of the root worm will continue to increase because it has an unlimited supply of food which it is resistant to. Although the damages to GMO crops by nature should bankrupt farmers alone, the U.S. tax payers pay an average of $20 billion dollars each year in subsidies mostly going to GMO crops so that many farmers do not feel the failed policies of the GMOs. The top 3 subsidies are ethanol GMO corn (5.5 to 7.3 billion each year), GMO soy, and GMO cotton, each at risk of being destroyed by resistant weeds, beetles, insects, and diseases.

Monsanto cannot tell a lie?

For over a decade Monsanto had been telling everyone that their GMOs were safe according to their own studies without having to reveal any data they collected on their GMOs to the outside world. When Monsanto tried approving 3 GMOs in Europe that were already approved in other countries (NK 603, Mon 863, and Mon 810), Green Peace and the Swedish Board of Agriculture wanted Monsanto to prove to them scientifically that these GMOs were safe, so they sued Monsanto to release their data and won the case. By 2009 the International Journal of Biological Sciences (IJBS) reviewed Monsanto's studies on their GMOs and discovered that Monsanto was lying about their data which indicated that these GMOs cause serious organ damage to the kidney and liver, and causes damage to the heart, adrenal, spleen, blood cells, and induces a state of hepatorenal toxicity. The IJBS also concluded that the 90 day study was too short to sufficiently determine the long term effects of GMOs and that Monsanto cut corners in their study [18]. Another peer reviewed study was published in the The Environmental Sciences Europe in 2011 which reexamined 19 GMO studies and indicated that the studies also proved GMOs cause liver and kidney damage. The study also explained that these GMO studies were not done thoroughly enough and that the 90 day GMO feed studies are too short to determine what  kind of long term effects there are that GMOs have on life. [19] By 2012, an independent group of French scientists at the University of Caen published the first 2 year animal GMO feed study in the Journal Food and Chemical Toxicology which was the first study to study GMOs past 90 days. This study almost mimicked Monsanto's 90 day study on NK 603, Mon 863, and Mon 810 by using the same exact rats Monsanto used for their study and similar processes that Monsanto also uses for all of their studies. The French study found the same conclusion as Monsanto's 90 day studies which stated that GMOs cause organ damage, but when the French study continued their study after 90 days, they discovered that most rats that ate a 100% GMO diet developed massive tumors and did not die of natural causes.

Soon after this study was released, every organization that Monsanto funds worldwide began trying to debunk the study using their channels to try to claim that the French study was not valid and used their media support to try to convince people to their side. The organization that backed the French study was the Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN) and explains that "most of the critics against the French study are not specialists in the area of pesticide toxicology or GMO risk assessment and do not publish papers on these topics." [20] They also stated that more than 300 scientists from over 33 countries across five continents sent statements to CRIIGEN in support of the French study. The propaganda against the French study did not add up either, but that is probably because the propagandists are not scientific experts on either GMOs or pesticides. The first criticism was that the rat the French study used was prone to tumors and so these rats according to them always will grow giant tumors regardless of what you feed them.

Ironically, the French study used the same exact species of rats that Monsanto uses in their studies which means that the critics of the French study are clearly uneducated on how all studies on GMOs are done. Other criticisms included that the French study only used 200 rats in their study which critics believed they needed more rats in order to get better accurate results. Monsanto's study on these 3 GMOs only examined 80 rats on a 90 day GMO diet, and only tested 10 per group for blood and urine parameters which means the French study had a larger test group. The IJBS also points out that in Monsanto's study, they have 320 rats that ate a non-GMO diet and statistically compare them with 80 GMO fed rats which is extremely unproportional. Monsanto also only examined the differences between rats using the method of eye balling. If the GMO diet rats look like the other non-GMO fed rats after 10 days to 90 days of GMO feed studies (never exceeding 90 days), then that is enough science according to Monsanto to prove there is no difference between GMOs and food crops. People who understand how GMO studies are conducted will clearly understand that the French study is by far the most scientific, valid, long term, peer reviewed study on GMOs ever conducted, but because the general population does not know much about GMOs nor the studies behind them, they are easily persuaded by the propaganda in the mass media.

How do animal studies relate to humans?
Although Americans have been eating GMOs since 1996, our diet is not yet even close to a 100% GMO diet. Rats are also different than humans, but we can conclude that GMOs will have a negative effect on our health. The lifetime of rats is also much shorter than humans which means that the effects that rats have after 2 years of being on a 100% GMO diet may take a few decades for humans. Animals studies also suggest that the damage GMOs cause is worsened in second and third generations of animals causing serious side effects including infertility which means that we still do not know the long term dangers associated with GMOs, although we can already see in observational studies that many diseases have skyrocketed since the introduction of GMOs in the American food supply. We know that correlation does not equal causation. The correlation between GMOs and diseases warrants a real in-depth "non-tobacco science" study on the effects that GMOs may or may not have on human health.

Currently 80% of all processed food in the United States contain some GMO ingredients in it, and it is unlabelled. California tried passing a law that would label GMOs that mimicked the European label laws which was supported by 90% of the population until Monsanto and others spent $46 million dollars on propaganda to convince people otherwise that they do not need to know what exactly is in their food. [21]
People who wish to avoid GMOs can visit the non-GMO project and learn how to avoid GMOs. They also have apps for tablets and for the iphone that can help educate people on how to avoid GMOs. They also have a non GMO shopping guide that people can download.

According to the non-GMO project, crops that are at high risk for being GMOs in the United States are:
  • Alfalfa (first planting 2011)
  • Canola (approx. 90% of U.S. crop)
  • Corn (approx. 88% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Cotton (approx. 90% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Papaya (most of Hawaiian crop; approximately 988 acres)
  • Soy (approx. 94% of U.S. crop in 2011)
  • Sugar Beets (approx. 95% of U.S. crop in 2010)
  • Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash (approx. 25,000 acres)
If people wish to still eat these foods without eating GMOs, they can buy organic which has to be non-GMO, although because pollination can be spread by the wind, even organic of these species are at some risk for including GMOs. There are also other hidden GMO ingredients in many processed foods that one would need to learn more about to fully accomplish a free GMO diet in the United States. The vast majority of countries throughout the world have already either labelled GMOs or banned GMOs completely which is why Americans who wish to follow suit with the rest of the world will have to study on how to avoid GMOs themselves and take an active participation in protecting their health.

[1] Smith, Jeffrey. Seeds of Deception. Fairfield: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2003, book, p58

[2] GM genes found in human gut, The Guardian

[3] Smith, Jeffrey p. 59

[4] Antibiotic Resistance Genes in GM foods

[5] superbugs

[5] Antibiotics, livestock

[6]Deadly bacterial infections

[7] The CaMV 35S promoter is highly active on floral organs and pollen of transgenic strawberry plants.

[8] Smith, Jeffrey. Seeds of Deception. Fairfield: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2003, book, p66

[9] CaMV 35s and HIV

[10]The 35S CaMV plant virus promoter is active in human enterocyte-like cells;jsessionid=6GFClX7nPfyem1HpZmTf.0

[11] Viral Gene in Genetically Modified Foods might Promote Diseases

[12] Pesticide use ramping up as GMO crop technology backfires: study

[13] U.S. researchers find Roundup chemical in water, air

[14] Cytotoxicity on human cells of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac Bt insecticidal toxins alone or with a glyphosate-based herbicide

[15] GM regulators chose ignorance over science  

[16]  Babies 93% found with GMO toxin

[17]  EPA confirms rootworm resistance in corn

[18] International Journal of Biological sciences, A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health

[19]  Genetically modified crops safety assessments

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lyme Treatment

Timing is everything when it comes to treating Lyme diseases. If a person is treated right away for Lyme disease and their co-infections (other diseases from ticks other than Lyme disease), the patient will have a very good chance of eliminating Lyme disease. The longer a person waits, the higher the risk will be for developing chronic Lyme disease. Chronic Lyme patients need to have a healthy immune system to effectively kill Lyme. This means that other medical problems should be solved as well as their Lyme. Some Lyme patients do not get better due to heavy metal toxicities, mold issues, co-infections or multiple opportunistic infections, auto-immune diseases or even food allergies.
Things to consider
1. Heavy metal toxicities are important to address because not only do heavy metals weaken the immune system, they can also feed fungi which is bad news for people who are taking antibiotics. Antibiotics also aid in fungi growth and can cause Candida overgrowth. Sometimes medical procedures can cause heavy metal poisonings in the long run such as dental amalgams which can release mercury vapor. A doctor who understands how to identify heavy metal toxicities and how to detox them should be sought out.

2. Mold should be avoided for those who are sensitive to mold. Around 25% of our population have trouble with mold and 50% of our buildings have been damaged by water. Mold cannot be smelt which means buildings should be correctly tested and the leading expert on this subject is Dr. Shoemaker who has written several books including "Surviving Mold". There are mold diagnostic tests as well.

3. Co-infections are other diseases that come from ticks. Since ticks carry multiple diseases, it is important to identify the diseases that a person has been infected with and treat them. This is why it may be important to save the tick(s) alive in a plastic bag discovered on a person and tested at a lab such as igenex for different co-infections. Look at the Lyme diagnosis page for a further evaluation on what co-infections a Lyme patient may also be infected with.

4. Food allergies can weaken the immune system. People who eat the food that they have food allergies to may not have any symptoms which means a blood test may be required to determine which foods the Lyme patient should avoid. The biggest 2 offenders are wheat and dairy which is why some doctors suggest that all chronic Lyme patients avoid wheat and dairy.

5. Taking the 23andme genetics test can be very beneficial in identifying problems with a persons immune system. Dr. Lynch wrote a short book on the importance of MTHFR and health titled MTHFR basics and people can learn more from his website at  Although 23andme cannot interpret the data they provide, anyone can use a 3rd party site and enter in the 23andme raw data to identify genetic mutations in the methylation and detox cycle which does for free. The website MTHFRsupport also has information on genetics, has a 3rd party app that can interpret the data, and also has integrative doctors that can respond to questions people may have. Some websites predict what future diseases a person may have, but these predictions should be avoided because the accuracy of these predictions are in question and these genetics tests are not meant to promote people into having unnecessary medical procedures. In my opinion, what they should be used for is which supplements a person needs to avoid, and which form of supplements a person should take. Nutrahacker can provide people information on this but you would have to pay for this feature.

If a person is waiting for their LLMD visit and wish to begin supplement treatment for their co-infections, they can research Stephen Buhners protocols or research Byron White's protocols. If a Lyme patient had been treated from one co-infection and the patient is still sick, try treating the Lyme patient with another co-infection. Opportunistic virus's can reactivate themselves such as the Epstein Barr Virus and further depress the immune system and will need to be treated as well.
Both allopathic and naturopathic Lyme experts agree that treatment should include both antibiotics and supplements to both strengthen the immune system and attack the spirochetes. Borrelia can learn how to become immune fast to specific antibiotics and Lyme patients should work with their LLMDs to keep cycling through antibiotics. Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions can occur when starting antibiotics which means that a Lyme patient may get sicker when they switch to a new antibiotic.

Connect with the Lyme Community:
Connect with the Lyme community for additional support and some great groups include:
Meet with your Lyme community (Make sure they are ILADS friendly)
On Facebook
Under Our Skin

Do not eat:
Wheat, GMOs, pasteurized dairy, sugar, artificial flavorings including aspartame, alcohol, caffeine, and reduce carb intake.
Can Eat:
Try to eat organic non-starchy vegetables, legumes (no peanuts), nuts, meats (organic grass fed), and eggs(organic grass fed). Some fruits can be added like organic berries, but fruits generally should be limited because of their natural sugar content that will feed the spirochetes. Xylitol (alcohol sugar) and Stevia are allowed for Lyme patients.
Try to get 80 grams of protein a day. Garden of Life has vegan protein shakes:  Other protein shakes will work, but the ingredients list of the protein shake must not include wheat, GMOs, dairy, or any of the foods that Lyme patients should avoid. The blog Tired of Lyme has pictures of what Lyme patients should eat.

Although patients that have a daily exercise routine before they get Lyme do better with treatment than those that do not, all Lyme patients should consider exercising each day without letting their heart rate go above 125 bpm because more spirochetes can pass through the blood brain barrier with faster heart rates. Moderate walking, lifting light weights, or light stretches will all work. Yoga and Pilates can both count for ways to get exercise for the day.

Dr. Burrascano is a leading expert in Lyme disease treatment and he lists several supplements Lyme patients should be on. He also has a description of each supplement as well, which is explained below.

1. PROBIOTICS (required when on antibiotics)
Kefir: drink 2 to 4 ounces a day. Acidophilus: the best kinds are frozen or refrigerated to ensure potency.  Usual dose is two with each meal. Plan to mix together several different brands to broaden the spectrum. Acidophilus can be gotten from most vitamin stores but some generic brands are of unknown freshness and potency. An alternative that does not need refrigeration and can be taken only once a day is a high potency, patented product called “Pro Bio” from Pharmanex. The ultimate mix of pre- and probiotics with soil based organisms is a product called “PrescriptAssist Pro” from Researched Nutritionals. This too does not need refrigeration. In addition, have 4 ounces of sugar-free yogurt on occasion.
2. MULTI-VITAMIN (required)
I recommend the Life Pack family of multivitamins available through Pharmanex. These are unique
supplements- pharmaceutical grade and USP certified, they are the only products clinically proven in double blinded, placebo controlled crossover studies to quench free radicals and raise antioxidant levels in the blood and lipids.  Choose LifePak for males under 40, LifePak Women for hormonally active women, LifePak Prenatal when pregnant, and LifePak Prime for postmenopausal women and for men over 40. LifePak Teen is also available. Continue long term.
3. CO-Q10- required, but do not use while taking the prescription drug atovaquone (Mepron, Malarone). Deficiencies have been related to poor function of the heart, limitations of stamina, gum disease, and poor resistance to infections.  Heart biopsy studies in Lyme patients indicated that they should take between 300 and 400mg daily. I recommend the Co Q-10 from Researched Nutritionals. One caplet contains 400 mg, so the dose is one a day with food.
4. ALPHA LIPOIC ACID (required) This facilitates entry of CoQ-10 into mitochondria. Dose is 300 mg twice daily. Generic is OK.
5. VITAMIN B (required). Clinical studies demonstrated the need for supplemental vitamin B in infections with Borrelia, to help clear neurological symptoms. Take one 50 mg B-complex capsule daily. If neuropathy is severe, an additional 50 mg of B-6 can be added. Generics are OK.
6. MAGNESIUM (required)
Magnesium supplementation is very helpful for the tremors, twitches, cramps, muscle soreness, heart skips and weakness.  It may also help in energy level and cognition. The best source is magnesium L-lactate dehydrate (“Mag-tab SR”, sold by Niche Pharmaceuticals: 1-800-677-0355, and available at Wal-Mart).  DO NOT rely on “cal-mag”, calcium plus magnesium combination tablets, as they are not well absorbed.  Take at least one tablet twice daily.  Higher doses increase the benefit and should be tried, but may cause diarrhea. In some cases, intramuscular or intravenous doses may be necessary.
Studies show that when EFAs are taken regularly, statistically significant improvements in fatigue, aches weakness, vertigo, dizziness, memory, concentration and depression are likely.  There are two broad classes: GLA (omega-6 oils) and EPA (omega-3 oils), derived respectively from plant and fish oils.
Plant Oil: Use a refrigerated liquid product of mixed omega oils obtained from the local health food
store (always avoid capsules as the plant oils within may be rancid and you would never know). Take
one to two tablespoons of the liquid oil daily. May be mixed with food, put on salads, etc.
Fish Oil: Use “Marine Omega” by Pharmanex. Use four daily, taken on a full stomach (this brand is
required because it is made not from fish, but from Krill and is certified to be free of any measurable
amounts of heavy metals and organic toxins).
This product addresses the mitochondrial damage thought to underlie the metabolic dysfunction associated with chronic diseases which, in patients with tick-borne illnesses, is manifest by fatigue and neurologic dysfunction. It is the single most reliable agent I have found that can give noticeably increased energy levels. When supplements known to support neurological function are added (see below), improved cognition and memory often result. Effects will be noted in two to three weeks. It also contains high quality prebiotics and probiotics. Available from Researched Nutritionals.
OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES FOR NEUROLOGIC SYMPTOMS- here, the goal is three-fold- supply the metabolic needs, replenish
what has become depleted, and protect the neurons and their supportive cells. The “required”
supplements, above, must be taken, and the items that follow below are considered “add-ons”.
ACETYL-L-CARNITINE- this is taken along with SAM-e. This combination can result in noticeable gains in short term memory, mood and cognition. The Acetyl Carnitine also is said to help heart and muscle function. Doses: Acetyl-L-carnitine- 1500-2000 mg daily on empty stomach; SAM e- 400 mg daily with the acetyl carnitine. Positive results may appear as early as 3 weeks; use for 2 to 3 months, but repeat or extend this course if needed. Available in most vitamin stores; Generic acetyl carnitine is okay, but I recommend “Nature Made” brand SAM-e (also available at most vitamin stores).
Methylcobalamin is a prescription drug derived from vitamin B12. This can help to heal problems with the central and peripheral nervous system, improve depressed immune function, and help to restore more normal sleeping patterns. Many patients note improved energy as well. Because the oral form is not absorbed when swallowed or dissolved under the tongue, Methyl B12 must be taken by injection. Dose is generally 25 mg. (1 c.c.) daily for 3 to 6 months. Long term studies have never demonstrated any side effects from this drug. However, the urine is expected to turn red shortly after each dose- if the urine is not red, a higher dose may be needed or the present supply may have lost potency. The injectable form of this is not available in regular drug stores. It must be manufactured (compounded) by specialty pharmacies on order.
Green, but not black or white tea contains some of the most potent antioxidants around (80-100 times more effective than vitamin C). I strongly recommend this to any patient with degenerative changes to the central nervous system. At least four cups daily are needed to reap this benefit, and the tea must be decaffeinated. A nice alternative is “TeGreen“ capsules by Pharmanex. They contain 97% pure tea polyphenols and each capsule is the equivalent of four cups of decaffeinated green tea. Take one to three daily.
CORDYMAX Cordyceps is a well-known herb from Tibet that has been shown in clinical studies to improve stamina, fatigue, and enhance lung and antioxidant function.  It also raises superoxide dismutase levels, important to prevent lesions in the central nervous system, which is why this (along with green tea) is essential if neurodegeneration is part of your illness. The positive effects can be dramatic; should be used long term. USP- certified cordyceps is available from Pharmanex as "CordyMax".
CITICHOLINEMany studies have shown benefits to cognition, especially memory. Benefits are slow to notice, so plan to use this long-term. Dose is 500 to 1000 mg twice a day. FOR IMMUNE SUPPORT
“REISHI MAX “ This enhanced extract from cracked spores of the Reishi mushroom has been shown in clinical studies to augment function of the Natural Killer Cells as well as macrophages. Recommended in all patients who have a CD-57 count below 60. Take four a day. Available only from Pharmanex.
TRANSFER FACTORS are the body’s natural signals meant to activate the pathogen-killing effects of the cellular immune system. Therapy with these agents consists of taking both a general stimulator, plus specific transfer factors for the infection you have. Personal experience made me a believer in transfer factor therapy. For Lyme patients, use Transfer Factor Multi-Immune as the general stimulant, and Transfer Factor LymePlus as the specific agent. Both are exclusives from Researched Nutritionals, and I have found them to be surprisingly effective in making the very ill respond better to treatment. Take as directed on the label.

Glucosamine can be of long term benefit to the joints. Do not be misled into buying a product that also contains chondroitin, as this chemical does not add anything, but it can make the product more expensive. Look for a product that contains the herb Boswellia serrata- this is a non-irritative anti-inflammatory. Although many generics exist, the Pharmanex product, "Cartilage Formula" has the right ingredients and is of proven efficacy. Expect improvement only over time (several weeks), but plan to use this indefinitely to maintain joint health.
Vitamin C is important to aid in maintaining healthy connective tissues. High doses are recommended- 1000 to 6000 mg a day as tolerated (if the dose is too high for you it may cause acid stomach, gas and loose stools, so therefore dose titration is necessary). Consider using “Ester-C” (non-acid and longer acting), or “C-Salts” (very well tolerated). Start with a low dose and increase slowly to find your tolerance level.
FLEX CREAM This is an amazing liniment-like product that really works and has a money back guarantee. Use for any type of body pain- spread on a thick layer and do not rub in. It takes 30 to 60 minutes to work, then lasts many hours. A Pharmanex exclusive.
Surprisingly, most people in America are vitamin D deficient. In the Lyme patient, low vitamin D levels can cause diffuse body aches and cramps that are not responsive to magnesium or calcium supplements. Some also believe that vitamin D is essential for normal immune and hormone function. I strongly urge you to have a fasting blood level drawn. It is recommended that the blood levels be in the upper half or the normal range. If it is not, then 2000 to 4000 units daily are needed for several weeks to make up for the deficit, and then a lower maintenance dose may be necessary, based on results from repeated blood level monitoring. If vitamin D is needed, improvements take 2 to 3 weeks to note, but are well worth the wait.
CREATINE Creatine has been shown to be of benefit in neuromuscular degenerative diseases such as Lou Gherig’s Disease (ALS) and can be very helpful in supporting low blood pressure, as in NMH. It may also benefit strength, stamina, and heart function.  Important: To use this safely, you must have an adequate fluid intake. The creatine product should contain taurine, an amino acid needed to enhance creatine absorption, plus some carbohydrate to aid creatine entry into muscle.  You will need a 20 gram daily loading dose for the first five days, then 4 to 10 grams daily maintenance.  Try "Cell Tech" from the Vitamin Shop, and follow label directions.      
Useful to support liver function. Take 175 mg daily- use an 80% Silymarin extract. Available from many vitamin stores.

Other supplements not in Dr. Burrascano's list:
Lugol's Iodine and Iodide: Dr Brownstein is a leading expert on halides and points out that iodine has anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungi qualities. Dosage should start out low such as 1 drop a day for the first week and should be increased to at least 4 drops a day by week 2 or 3 in case of detox reactions. When a person takes iodine for the first time, bromide and other toxic halides get replaced by iodine and if a person starts the dosage of iodine too high, high levels of bromide will be displaced from cells and be released throughout the body making a person sicker. Some Lyme patients that have been taking iodine daily take whole droppers full of iodine in the morning.

Nutribiotic Grapeseed extract
Since Lyme forms biofilms, all Lyme patients must use something that will break down the biofilm so that antibiotics can attack the spirochetes. Grapeseed extract has been shown to break down the biofilm of Lyme.

LB Core Protocol
Stephen Buhners 3 core supplement list to kill Lyme and expand blood flow to joints: Cat's Claws, resveratrol and andrographis.

Limit the amount of unnecessary surgeries while patients have Lyme because anesthesia has been found to decrease Natural Killer cells which are vital to a Lyme patients healing process.
A Lyme patient should not receive any steroid shots because this also shuts down the immune system.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Morgellons is real, new study published

A new study published in the Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology [1] (January 2013) confirmed that the fibers forming inside the lesions of Morgellons patients skin are composed of biological matter made out of keratin and collagen and are a "result from proliferation and activation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in the epidermis" which proves Morgellons is a real disease. They also discovered spirochetes in the dermatological specimens from their patients which proves that Morgellons disease has an infectious process. Some spirochetes like the Syphilis spirochetes are known to cause lesions on the skin which makes spirochetes a possible cause for Morgellons, and they are very difficult to discover because of how well they hide. If this is true and the researchers discovered a new spirochete that causes this disease, the authors of this study will be able to name their spirochete.
Although Morgellons patients have visible symptoms of a disease with their skin forming lesions and fibers coming out of their skin, doctors will generally label these patients as hypochondriacs and send them to psychiatrists for the treatment of mental disorders. This is because of the culture of our medical industry, and from corruption. If doctors do not know how to cure a disease, it easier to blame the patient as being crazy instead of insulting the doctors ability in curing patients. There are also cost factors in our medical industry as well; companies (for the United States, it is our insurance companies) have to pay for newly discovered or returning diseases so they try very hard to disprove these diseases as being real. Morgellons patients can avoid this nonsense by seeking treatment from a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor.

A short introduction to what Morgellons is can be found here:


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Morgellons Disease

Morgellons short history

A biologist named Mary Leitao in 2001 began trying to find treatment for her two year old son Drew who was experiencing symptoms similar to a disease named Morgellons discussed in medical literature in the 1600s. Drew's skin was forming lesions and he would complain of being in pain. When Mary would rub cream to help with the lesions, something fiber-like would come out of the wounds. After going from doctor to doctor and not recieving any answers, Mary decided to create the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) to help figure out what was happening to her son. Soon after, thousands of Americans began contacting her explaining that they also had similar symptoms. In 2006 the Oklahoma State Neuroscientist Randy Wymore stumbled upon the MRF and contacted Leitao for samples of the fibers, which his request was granted. He examined the fibers, but he could not identify what the fibers were made out of so he asked for help from the Tulsa Police Department's forensics which they compared the fibers to over 800 different types of fibers and again could not identify it. They then used gas chromatography and compared the fibers to over 90,000 different organic compounds, and again no matches. The reason why they could not identify what these fibers were may be because these fibers from Morgellons patients may be a newly discovered fiber. [1]

The MRF closed down in 2012 and Leitao directed people to the Oklahoma State University for further information on Morgellons. 

Morgellon Lesions early in infection
Lesion fibers

Symptoms of Morgellons: (From Oklahoma State University) [2]
Spontanteously Erupting Skin lesions
Sensation of crawling, biting on and under the skin
Appearance of blue, black or red fibers and granules beneath and/or extruding from the skin
Short-term memory loss
Attention Deficit
Obsessive-Compulsive disordersImpaired thought processing (brain fog)
Feeling of isolation

 CDC study of Morgellons 2006 - 2008
A study done by the CDC [3] indicated that the skin lesions were most consistent with arthropod bites or chronic excoriations. 68% of patients had lesions on their back which would be harder to reach areas for patients. The test included surveys, clinical evaluations, and geospatial analyses and analyzed materials from patients skin.The tests used in this study do not detect all antigens in patients and there can also be false negatives in the tests which made the CDC researchers doubt that they could figure out what Morgellons is. There were major limitations to the study as well especially since they only studied patients who recently developed Morgellons (<3 months) and some antigens require a longer duration of time in order to be spotted on the tests they used.  

Interestingly, the study found Staphylococcus aureus (cause of skin infections) and Streptococcus bacteria strains (pyogenes and sp.) among some patients which some strains among Streptococcus are known to cause necrotizing fasciitis. This condition is what we would wrongly refer to as flesh eating bacterias. They do not eat flesh, they rather infect areas near the skin and release toxins that damage soft tissue, muscles and fat.  Other bacterias and multiple bacteria infections are also known to cause necrotizing fasciitis. The CDC released their study in 2012 and stated that they were unable to conclude whether this unexplained dermopathy represents a new condition, or a wider recognition of an existing condition such as delusional infestation

Possible causes of Morgellons:
Genetically Modified Organisms: Agrobacterium
Vitaly Citovsky, Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stone Brook University in New York found that all the Morgellons patients he tested were positive for Agrobacterium. He also tested people who did not have Morgellons disease and they all tested negative. Agrobacterium is a bacteria created by H. J. Conn which is used in Genetically Modified Organisms to transfer DNA through Horizontal Gene Transfer from one species to another allowing for the transfer of bacteria DNA or animal DNA to be put inside plant DNA. Although biotech giants like Monsanto claims this newly created bacteria is harmless and only works in their GMO's, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [4] reported that agrobacterium is active in human cells and it keeps transforming human DNA. Another study confirmed this and further explained that Agrobacterium affects all life from fungi to human cells and interferes with  "cell-cell surface receptor arrays, cellular motors, nuclear import, chromatin targeting, targeted proteolysis, DNA repair, and plant immunity" [5]

Dr. Omar Amin believes that Morgellons is caused by toxins that the body cannot remove such as Mercury. If necrotizing fasciitis bacterias work by producing toxins that destroys skin, muscles, and fats, toxins from other sources can also cause something similar. His treatment is based on removing toxins from the body which he claims 100% of his patients see remission of Morgellons. In his belief, the reason why researchers find Fungus on the lesions of Morgellons patients is not because Fungus causes Morgellons, but rather Fungus is drawn to the lesions and feeds on toxins like Mercury. Although it is possible that patients have necrotizing fasciitis by unknown antigens, detoxing toxins from patients may strengthen the immune system of the host which allows the hosts immune system to kill their active infection that is causing their symptoms. [6] [7]

New Spirochete similar to Syphilis or Lyme
Ginger Savely a Nurse Practitioner that treats Lyme patients has been testing Morgellons patients for Lyme disease. 90% of patients test positive. She believes that either there may be a co-infection of Lyme disease we have not discovered yet, or whatever causes Morgellons is something that we all are exposed to, but it only develops in people with weakened immune systems like those who have Lyme disease. [8]

Bovine Digital Dermatitis (BDD)
Veterinary microbiologist Marianne J. Middelveen and Raphael Stricker, MD published a study linking Morgellons with bovine digital dermatitis which is a disease in cows that causes lameness, decreased milk production, weight loss, and skin lesions with unusual fibers coming out of the lesions. Their study found keratin from Morgellons fibers which proves that the fibers had to be developed from a living organism and are not synthetic. [9] [10] BDD may be caused by spirochetes similar to Syphilis and Lyme.

New York Entomological Association researchers found collembolan which is a microscopic critter in 18 of the 20 patients they tested. [11]

Since the fibers from the lesions are made from keratin, Morgellons has been proven to be a real disease. William Harvey, MD, MS, MPH stated that 90% of Morgellons patients get 90% better when they stay on antibiotics for about 8 months which suggests that Morgellons patients may see results by being treated with antibiotics. [12] Morgellons patients can try contacting ILADS and find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor to see if they will treat Morgellons like they would treat Lyme disease patients.  Patients should also find a doctor experienced in detoxing which would help treat the symptoms of toxins as long as Morgellons works the same way as necrotizing fasciitis.
